Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Membuat Shortcut Perintah Shutdown
Coba ikuti tips triknya bersama Tips Trik Komputer berikut ini.
Sebelum memulai membuat shortcutnya, kita harus mengetahui format perintahnya terlebih dahulu baik perintah shutdown, perintah restart (reboot), maupun perintah log off. Formatnya adalah seperti berikut ini.
Shutdown –s >> adalah perintah untuk melakukan shutdown
Shutdown –r >> adalah perintah untuk melakukan restart (reboot)
Shutdown –l >> adalah perintah untuk melakukan log off dari current user
Selain perintah baku tersebut, kita dapat menambahkan parameter-parameter, seperti berikut ini.
Parameter “time delay”
-t xx >> adalah parameter waktu tunggu (time delay) dengan ukuran detik
Contoh aplikasi perintah & parameter
Shutdown –s –t 30 >> perintah shutdown akan dilakukan dalam waktu 30 detik.
Shutdown –r –t 15 >> perintah restart akan dilakukan dalam waktu 15 detik.
Shutdown –l –t 10 >> perintah log off akan dilakukan dalam waktu 10 detik.
Parameter “comment”
-c “teks” >> adalah parameter yang digunakan untuk menambahkan komentar berupa teks (maksimal 127 karakter) yang ingin kita tampilkan sebelum pelaksanaan perintah tersebut dilaksanakan.
Contoh aplikasi perintah & parameter
Shutdown –s –c “Sebentar lagi komputer akan melakukan shutdown” >> teks “Sebentar lagi komputer akan shutdown” akan tampil sesaat sebelum komputer shutdown.
Shutdown –s –c “Sebentar lagi komputer akan melakukan restart” >> teks “Sebentar lagi komputer akan restart” akan tampil sesaat sebelum komputer restart.
Shutdown –l –c “Sebentar lagi komputer akan melakukan log off” teks “Sebentar lagi komputer akan log off” akan tampil sesaat sebelum komputer log off.
Kombinasi Parameter
Jika menginginkan, kita juga dapat mengkombinasikan kedua parameter di atas, parameter time delay dan parameter comment.
Contoh aplikasi perintah dengan kombinasi parameter
Shutdown –r –t 20 –c “Sebentar lagi komputer akan melakukan restart” >> teks “Sebentar lagi komputer akan melakukan restart” akan muncul pada saat sebelum komputer restart dengan time delay 20 detik.
Hal tersebut berlaku juga untuk perintah restart dan log off.
Shortcut 01
1.klik kanan pada desktop (area Kosong) kemudian pilih New kemudian pilih Shortcut hingga muncul jendela “Create shortcut”.
2.ketikkan perintahnya (shutdown, restart, log off) seperti telah dijelaskan di diatas kemudian lanjutkan dengan menekan next hingga muncul jendela “Select a Title for the Program”, seperti di bawah ini.
3.kemudian namai shortcut tersebut kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menekan finish.
Sekarang, kita telah berhasil membuat shortcut shutdown (dan/atau restart, atau log off) pada desktop. Untuk melihat hasilnya, silakan untuk mencobanya dengan mengklik shortcut tersebut.
Selamat Mencoba semoga sukse.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Microsoft Word Hotkeys
CTRL and B = Bold text.
CTRL and C = Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using
CTRL and V.
CTRL and D = Displays the Font dialogue box.
CTRL and E = Centre Alignment.
CTRL and F = Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current document.
CTRL and G = Displays the Go to dialog box, to go to a specific location in the
current document.
CTRL and H = Displays the Replace dialogue box.
CTRL and I = Italic text.
CTRL and J = Full Justification.
CTRL and K = Create Hyperlink
CTRL and L = Left Alignment
CTRL and M = Tab
CTRL and N = Creates a new document.
CTRL and O = Displays the Open File dialogue box.
CTRL and P = Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL and R = Right Alignment.
CTRL and S = Displays the Save dialog box.
CTRL and U = Underline text
CTRL and V = Pastes the copied item or text from the Clipboard into the current
position in the document.
CTRL and X = Cuts the item or text selected to the Clipboard.
CTRL and Y = Redo the last undone action.
CTRL and Z = Undoes the last action.
CTRL and ENTER = Insert Page Break.
CTRL and F2 = Show Print preview.
CTRL and F4 = Closes the active document window.
CTRL and F6 = Opens the next document window.
F1 key = Get help or use the Office assistant.
SHIFT and F1 Key = Context sensitive help.
F2 Key = Move text or image.
SHIFT and F2 Key = Copy Text.
F3 Key = Insert an autotext entry.
SHIFT and F3 Key = Change the case of the selected text.
F4 Key = Perform last action again.
SHIFT and F4 Key = Perform a Find or Go to action again.
F5 Key = Displays the Go to dialogue box, from here you can also Find
and Replace.
SHIFT and F5 Key = Move to a previous revision.
F6 Key = Go to the next frame or pane.
SHIFT and F6 Key = Go to the previous frame or pane.
F7 Key = Launch the Spell checker.
SHIFT and F7 Key = Launch the Thesaurus.
F8 Key = Extend the current selection.
SHIFT and F8 Key = Shrink the current selection.
F9 Key = Update the selected fields.
SHIFT and F9 Key = Switch between a field code and its result.
F10 Key = Activate the menu bar.
SHIFT and F10 Key = Display a Shortcut Menu. Same as right clicking.
F11 Key = Go to the next field.
SHIFT and F11 Key = Go to the previous field.
F12 Key = Save file As, equivalent to tools menu.
SHIFT and F12 Key = Save document, equivalent to tools menu.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Network Topology
A network consists of multiple computers connected using some type of interface, each having one or more interface devices such as a Network Interface Card (NIC) and/or a serial device for PPP networking. Each computer is supported by network software that provides the server or client functionality. The hardware used to transmit data across the network is called the media. It may include copper cable, fiber optic, or wireless transmission. The standard cabling used for the purposes of this document is 10Base-T category 5 ethernet cable. This is twisted copper cabling which appears at the surface to look similar to TV coaxial cable. It is terminated on each end by a connector that looks much like a phone connector. Its maximum segment length is 100 meters.
Network Categories
There are two main types of network categories which are:
-Server based
- Peer-to-peer
In a server based network, there are computers set up to be primary providers of services such as file service or mail service. The computers providing the service are are called servers and the computers that request and use the service are called client computers.
In a peer-to-peer network, various computers on the network can act both as clients and servers. For instance, many Microsoft Windows based computers will allow file and print sharing. These computers can act both as a client and a server and are also referred to as peers. Many networks are combination peer-to-peer and server based networks. The network operating system uses a network data protocol to communicate on the network to other computers. The network operating system supports the applications on that computer. A Network Operating System (NOS) includes Windows NT, Novell Netware, Linux, Unix and others.
Three Network Topologies
The network topology describes the method used to do the physical wiring of the network. The main ones are bus, star, and ring.
1.Bus - Both ends of the network must be terminated with a terminator. A barrel connector can be used to extend it.
2. Star - All devices revolve around a central hub, which is what controls the network communications, and can communicate with other hubs. Range limits are about 100 meters from the hub.
3.Ring - Devices are connected from one to another, as in a ring. A data token is used to grant permission for each computer to communicate.
There are also hybrid networks including a star-bus hybrid, star-ring network, and mesh networks with connections between various computers on the network. Mesh networks ideally allow each computer to have a direct connection to each of the other computers. The topology this documentation deals with most is star topology since that is what ethernet networks use.
Internet Protocol (IP)
Internet Protocol (IP) provides support at the network layer of the OSI model. All transport protocol data packets such as UDP or TCP are encapsulated in IP data packets to be carried from one host to another. IP is a connection-less unreliable service meaning there is no guarantee that the data will reach the intended host. The datagrams may be damaged upon arrival, out of order, or not arrive at all (Sounds like some mail services, doesn't it?). Therefore the layers above IP such as TCP are responsible for being sure correct data is delivered. IP provides for:
- Addressing.
- Type of service specification.
- Fragmentation and re-assembly.
- Security.
IP Message Format
IP is defined by RFC 791.
1.Version (4 bits) - The IP protocol version, currently 4 or 6.
2.Header length (4 bits) - The number of 32 bit words in the header
3.Type of service (TOS) (8 bits) - Only 4 bits are used which are minimize delay, maximize throughput, maximize reliability, and minimize monetary cost. Only one of these bits can be on. If all bits are off, the service is normal. Some networks allow a set precedences to control priority of messages the bits are as follows:
a. Bits 0-2 - Precedence.
-111 - Network Control
-110 - Internetwork Control
-100 - Flash Override
-011 - Flash
-010 - Immediate
-001 - Priority
-000 - Routine
b.Bit 3 - A value of 0 means normal delay. A value of 1 means low delay.
c.Bit 4 - Sets throughput. A value of 0 means normal and a 1 means high throughput.
d.Bit 5 - A value of 0 means normal reliability and a 1 means high reliability.
e.Bit 6-7 are reserved for future use.
4.Total length of the IP data message in bytes (16 bits)
5.Identification (16 bits) - Uniquely identifies each datagram. This is used to re-assemble the datagram. Each fragment of the datagram contains this same unique number.
6.flags (3 bits) - One bit is the more fragments bit
- Bit 0 - reserved.
- Bit 1 - The fragment bit. A value of 0 means the packet may be fragmented while a 1 means it cannot be fragmented. If this value is set and the packet needs further fragmentation, an ICMP error message is generated.
- Bit 2 - This value is set on all fragments except the last one since a value of 0 means this is the last fragment.
7.Fragment offset (13 bits) - The offset in 8 byte units of this fragment from the beginning of the original datagram.
8.Time to live (TTL) (8 bits) - Limits the number of routers the datagram can pass through. Usually set to 32 or 64. Every time the datagram passes through a router this value is decremented by a value of one or more. This is to keep the datagram from circulating in an infinite loop forever.
9.Protocol (8 bits) - It identifies which protocol is encapsulated in the next data area. This is may be one or more of TCP(6), UDP(17), ICMP(1), IGMP(2), or OSPF(89). A list of these protocols and their associated numbers may be found in the /etc/protocols file on Unix or Linux systems.
10.Header checksum (16 bits) - For the IP header, not including the options and data.
11.Source IP address (32 bits) - The IP address of the card sending the data.
12.Destination IP address (32 bits) - The IP address of the network card the data is intended for.
13.Options - Options are:
-Security and handling restrictions
-Record route - Each router records its IP address
-Time stamp - Each router records its IP address and time
-Loose source routing - Specifies a set of IP addresses the datagram must go through.
-Strict source routing - The datagram can go through only the IP addresses specified.
14.Data - Encapsulated hardware data such as ethernet data
The message order of bits transmitted is 0-7, then 8-15, in network byte order. Fragmentation is handled at the IP network layer and the messages are reassembled when they reach their final destination. If one fragment of a datagram is lost, the entire datagram must be retransmitted. This is why fragmentation is avoided by TCP. The data on the last line, item 14, is ethernet data, or data depending on the type of physical network.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Top 5 tips for buying a new computer
1. Get info from the three sources
Editor's reviews, user opinions and manufacturers information — each has a different perspective. Editors are going to have approached the product methodically and without bias if they are from an independent source like Users will have lived with the product for the longest time and in the most diverse ways, which can reveal flaws or benefits that don't become apparent in short-term lab reviews.
And Manufacturers will have a unique concept of how they intended the product to be used and what makes it stand out. Armed with these three perspectives you can feel pretty well-armed to figure out if the computer — or any consumer electronics product — is the right one for you.
2. Make more RAM (random access memory) your main priority with any PC
CPU speed and hard drive space are usually OK, memory is what's often skimpy on a new machine. All too often what is perceived by users as their computer being too slow is actually not the CPU speed but the amount of memory. When a computer has too little memory, it doesn't tell you, it just starts using part of the its hard drive space as a poor form of additional memory known as swap space or virtual memory. It's a clunky, slow way for a computer to run but it at least keeps things going. Much better is to give a computer the RAM it needs, 2GB at least if you want to run any of the latest operating systems with all their features.
3. Shop for a laptop online and in store
You need to test drive the keyboard, mouse and monitor since they are integrated. You can always change the monitor, keyboard and mouse on a desktop PC but not on a laptop unless you have it tethered to a desk. Check the keyboard for good key action — the amount of travel from top to bottom of a key press; more usually feels better. Laptops use many different kinds of mouse pointing devices so make sure you like the one your new laptop uses. Or at least find out if you hate it and should buy a travel mouse right away.
And of course check the brightness of the monitor. Laptops are often used in brightly lit areas where ambient lighting it not idea, so make sure you have a bright display and one that seems large enough to your eyes.
Computers are largely commodities, so chase a low price point aggressively. There are new models of computers coming on the market every few weeks and frankly they often differ very little in any meaningful way. So take advantage of the fact that the retailer wants to move the "old stock" by cutting prices of the remaining units in inventory. They also have other incentives for offering special price cuts, like special promotions from the PC manufacturer. The bottom line: There is usually nothing "wrong" with a machine that is being blown out cheaply since computers are very mature and not subject to dramatic technology improvements month to month. Shop for price somewhere in the range of $500 - $750 and you could almost go to the store blindfolded and still make a good choice.
5. Don't get hung up on parts
Computers are largely made from the same components. Rather, shop for a brand that will have good customer support. Computers are often considered commodity products since they all use pretty much the same guts, with just a different case and brand name on the outside. Businesses have known this for years and buy whatever brand gives them the best price when they deploy thousands of machines across an enterprise.
So buy like the pros and don't get hung up on some concept that a certain brand of PC is necessarily faster or better built than another. Instead you might want to ask friends and other users online what kind of product support experience they have had with a given brand of computer. That's where PC brands can differ rather substantially. Check the warranty, support section of web site, and even call their toll free support number with a test question to see what the people are like on the other end.
Interview Tips
10 Key Interview Tips.